Important News - Friday Night Eyes Schedule (updated)

bjd events friday night eyes resin rose bjd expo


These are the eyes being added tonight, on the 27th:


  • 12mm Taupe
  • 12mm Cool
  • 12mm Warm Black
  • 12mm Frozen
  • 12mm Tie Dye
  • 12mm Minnow Green -- I added these previously but they are not showing up properly in the In Stock section, for some reason! I'll figure out how to fix that soon, but you can get them here for now. These are the improved lighter/newer style.
  • 12mm Jelly Eyes:

    • 12mm Deep Sea (no opal flakes)
    • 12mm Champagne Gold
    • 12mm Radioactive


12mm LD (low dome):

  • 12mm LD Rosemary
  • 12mm LD Denim


  • 14mm Azure
  • 14mm Rosemary


  • 16mm Electric Purple


  • 18mm Azure

Over the next 2 weeks, I may sneak up a few more pairs of eyes, just to keep the shop from going dead during the next 2 weeks. But that's all for now!


EDIT: the post said "Thursday the 26th", but Thursday is actually the 27th. The post has been updated to correct this.


Hi friends! Because I'm leaving town to take DollBakery to a live BJD Expo in early August, the Friday Night Eyes schedule is going to be irregular for a few weeks. 

I decided it would be best to COMBINE the next two Friday Night eyes into ONE event.

So instead of Friday Night Eyes on July 21 and July 28, we'll have a combined event on Thursday, July 27th.

Here's the tentative schedule:

Friday, July 21: NO FRIDAY NIGHT EYES. Event moved to July 26th.

Thursday, July 27th: Combined event with more eyes for sale than usual. This will be the final sale of July. Any eyes that don't sell shortly after this will be taken down, and taken with me to the BJD Expo.

Friday, July 28: NO FRIDAY NIGHT EYES. Event moved to July 26th.


August 11th: NO FRIDAY NIGHT EYES. If you want eyes, come buy them in person this weekend at the Resin Rose BJD Expo! :D

Friday August 18th: There will *most likely* be Friday Night Eyes added, but I'm not sure how many. It depends on how many I have left after the show! (last year, I sold out of all the smaller sizes at the show, but still had a few of the larger sizes left)

Sometime after that: an actual order period! Yes, for real, finally! 

Some things could change about this schedule, but I will keep you updated. Thank you!

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