Orders placed now will ship after the holiday!
Orders placed now will ship after the holiday!
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Orders open soon! + Schedule Information

friday night eyes order period

I'm happy to announce the next TWO order events at DollBakery:

Orders open on Saturday, March 4th at NOON PST (UTC -8).

HOW TO CONVERT TIMEZONES: go to Google and type "noon PST in [your city or timezone]". For example, if you live in London, type "noon PST in London." Google will then convert Pacific Standard Time to local time for you :) Pretty cool!

Example link! (change London to your nearest big city)

Orders will be limited to 35 slots (35 pairs). After these are filled, orders will close.


Can't make this date, or the orders closed too fast? Well we already have a second date set up at April 18th, 2017! :D (more exact time details will be announced later. I plan about 25 slots for this one.)


Overall, DollBakery will be trying to move more towards smaller, but more frequent order events. My aim is to reduce everyone's waiting times.

I know there are a lot of people who would like to get some eyes right now -- people who have been waiting since 2016! -- and some of you may get cut off before you can grab a spot...

BUT, I hope that by running smaller but more frequent orders, I can gradually burn through the large backlog of people who currently want to be able to get eyes for their dolls but haven't been able to do so yet, while also reducing waiting times for people who do manage to order.

My dream is to have a predictable, reliable schedule that is the same every month (or every 2 months). I hope we can work towards that in 2017. It's less frustrating for you power doll hobbyists, and less confusing for hobby newbies! 

Friday Night Eyes?

This is the first time I've opened orders since I started doing Friday Night Eyes. 

The people who preorder eyes always get first priority in production, so the random eyes that I make for FNE might get slowed down or halted for a few weeks. I'll still try to make side eyes where I can, but I just want to warn you that Friday Night Eyes might be sporadic for a while. Of course, I'll keep you updated as progress develops!

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